
The inventor of liquid metal refute iPhone 5 will use liquid metal, technology still need to improve

Recently, there have rumors that Apple iPhone 5 will use liquid metal, Atakan Peker, inventor of this technology have given it a denial. Peker believes that Apple will use the technology in a "breakthrough" product in future.

Liquid metal recently become a hot topic, mainly because there are rumors that Apple will use this material in next generation iPhone. Liquid metal developed by Liquidmetal Technologies, made
​​from rare metals such as zirconium, titanium, nickel and copper mixed. Liquid metal has antiseptic, resistant to scratches and damage resistance properties, has been exclusively licensed to Apple.

Peker said in an interview, the liquid metal is a new, completely different metal technology, and so far no suitable manufacturing technology and equipment to fully demonstrate its superiority.

Peker said: "I
​​expect that before large-scale use, Apple may need to invest $ 300 million to $ 500 million, take three to five years to improve the technology."

Peker said liquid metal shows silver gray in appearance, a bit like today's stainless steel and general metal difference. So far, he only found the Apple SIM slot use of this technology.
There are also rumors that Apple MacBook will use liquid metal. Peker said: "Due to the size and scale of the MacBook, I think that shell will not to use the technology in the short term, it will also need 2 years to 4 years of preparation, but there may be some smaller parts on use."

Peker finally said Apple will use liquid metal in "breakthrough" products in future. Such a product will bring innovative user’s interface and industrial design, it is difficult to imitate the use of other metal.

