
IDC: Companies use Windows XP have outdated and a waste of money

The market research firm IDC recently published studies reported that upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 7 in the next three years the rate of return on investment as high as 137%, so stick to Windows XP simply is a waste of money.

In depth study of nine large agencies, IDC said that each Windows XP computer required every year to spend $ 870 to install, and Windows 7 only cost $ 168 annually, the average cost of these institutions on every new computer for 712 dollars, so each computer upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 7 can save $ 1,685, and can effectively improve the efficiency of the office employees. "

IDC also noted that the data listed above include only visible when you buy a new computer investment spending, but include increased productivity and reduced operating costs, these invisible data are difficult to measure.

In nine of the surveyed organizations, 100% of the employees of four organizations use Windows 7 system, only two still using Windows XP. Overall, the nine agencies Windows 7 with an average utilization rate of 65%, the use of Windows XP was 29%. However, IDC said that Windows XP still occupies about 42% market share in the market as a whole.

The IDC survey sponsored by Microsoft, so this survey or Windows XP users to upgrade the system as soon as possible. Microsoft has plans to stop support for Windows XP SP3 on April 8, 2014, including security updates. Office 365 also will be January 1, 2014 to stop support for Windows XP. Major companies an average of 18 months to update the computer system, it is still using Windows XP system the company is apparently out of date.

In all fairness, stability and security of Windows XP can not match the 64-bit Windows 7, and more vulnerable to malicious software attacks result in system crashes, support costs are more expensive than Windows 7. After Microsoft launched Windows 8, Windows XP will lag behind the latest systems as much as four versions, its system maintenance costs will be higher.

In fact, Microsoft urged users to upgrade the system's action has already begun. Last year, Microsoft announced that it would not provide updates on the XP version of Live Mail and Messenger application IE9 browser does not support Windows XP, which makes use IE8 on a Windows XP system users often encounter stability problems. For example, IE8 will not support the web site or video using HTML5 technology.

According to current trends, market retention of Windows XP will reduce to 11 percent at the end of 2014. " IDC said.

