
Windows Phone have a good performance in Finland Accounted for 8% of mobile Internet traffic

Internet traffic monitoring organization StatCounter's latest statistics show that Nokia Windows Phone (hereinafter referred to as "WP Mobile") has been quite prominent in Nokia's native Finland, has accounted for nearly 8% of the mobile Internet traffic.

Finland has become the biggest WP phone market. In sharp contrast with this, the operating system, Microsoft WP share of only 0.53% share of the global mobile network traffic. From a global perspective, the current situation of the WP phone is not so optimistic. In addition to Finland ranked one, Iceland ranked second, but WP operating system accounted for only 2.3 percent of the country's mobile Internet traffic. Obviously, this is a pretty big gap.

Calculated in accordance with the operating system share the user's mobile Internet traffic, the top ten markets in the WP phone are: Finland, Iceland, Martinique, Austria, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Denmark and Spain.

These data can not be compared with the WP phone sales share, but it’s enough to suggest this phone sales in the world. Market research firm IDC had also pointed out that the WP cell phones and Windows Mobile phones in the first quarter of this year's market share of 2.2%.

