
Google Chrome first time surpass IE become the world's largest browser

According to the survey of Irish analytics company StatCounter, Google Chrome browser success beyond Microsoft's IE last week, become the world's largest browser. Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera taking up the three, four, five.

In fact, the survey of Internet browser share data is a very stringent cohabitation data, from the the StatCounter past year, we found that Chrome victory step by step to obtain the Chrome browser market share
sacrifice on the basis of the IE and Firefox. The data shows that the Chrome browser take up global share of about 33% in May this year, beyond IE share 32% take up top list. Firefox share slow decline, the global share of about 25%, Apple Safari and Opera browser share less than 10%.

Google introduced Chrome Since 2008, the browser market share has been a big step forward. Chrome rich plug-ins and a variety of services to make it the same benefits such as Chrome theme of social networking tools by 36 minutes language for the global release this kind of action is clearly helps to attract more loyal users.

Of course, Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser, naturally, will not stand still. StatCounter data shows that the introduction of the Internet Explorer 9 to help Microsoft attract some of the new user and the user rate of IE in the past few weeks climbing. IE's market share in the Chinese market decline in more than 15%, but its still take up 72% share be ahead of their competitors.

