
Who will buy RIM BlackBerry? Nokia, Microsoft and Oracle are all possible.

RIM has hired JP Morgan and RBC Capital Markets to expand the strategic assessment of the company. But this is only its scenes, investors can not be fooled. RIM in fact want to help two investment banks to sell itself to the highest bidder acquirer, RIM BlackBerry can fetch a high price, that two investment banks will earn a service fee.

There are rumors that Facebook is interested in buying RIM before, although this news is very shocking, the credibility is not high.
RIM is not easy to sale. RIM released the latest financial report on Tuesday. The second quarter operating loss consecutive.

RIM CEO Torsten Hynes said in a statement: "the increasingly fierce market competition, our business has been greatly affected, product sales decline, the average market prices are declining, we expect the first-quarter results will reflect this situation, the first-quarter may appear operating loss."

Frankly, this is not too surprising, because the Apple iPhone is too strong. Of course, Wall Street analysts did not expect RIM to achieve good performance. According to Yahoo Finance statistics, analysts expect RIM's first-quarter revenue will decline by 25.6%, earnings per share declined 68.4 percent.

In this case, who is likely to come up with the money of at least $ 5.3 billion acquisition of RIM? I think there are three companies in alphabetical order:

1, Nokia. Because the crowding out of apples and a large number of Android (Samsung, HTC etc.) manufacturers, Nokia's day can be described as deteriorating. Smartphone superstar of the former is literally in the U.S. market is untenable, even if it's business in other markets were also affected. The acquisition of RIM help Nokia battles the U.S. market.

2, Microsoft. As a partner of the Nokia the Lumia Series smartphone, Microsoft intends to maintain its leading position in the office productivity software applications, in any case, RIM is still the leader in the field of e-mail service for businesses. In addition, if Microsoft's acquisition of RIM, it can get tens of millions to consider the user to switch to iPhone or Android enterprise networking equipment.

3, Oracle. Frankly speaking, the purpose of its acquisition of RIM is not obvious. However, Oracle has entered the server hardware market, enterprise software, including e-mail is an important driving force to promote the development of enterprise hardware business. Oracle CEO Larry Ellison (Larry Ellison) said that he has established a one-stop shop for enterprise computing, the acquisition of RIM will help Oracle provide a full range of enterprise computing solutions.

Regardless of which company is the ultimate acquisition of RIM, it needs for a long time to profit from mobile computing.

