
Rumors: Apple will show its own map service next week and will disposable Google Maps at the end of this year

From Apple employees sources said, Apple will be completely abandoned at the end of this year Google map. It is reported that the iOS default map is no longer a Google map, but Apple's own R & D map application.

Since the Apple launched iPhone in 2007, iPhone and Google Maps is like a pair of ideal number of partners. Google map service had caused a sensation, to permit Internet users to find businesses, view traffic information and navigation. The help of Google Maps, the iPhone will soon achieved great success. surge in the number of iPhone users, Google Maps, Google's search engine traffic rose sharply.

But did not last long, because the two tech industry giants on who will dominate the calculation of future war is escalating, leading mobile mapping technology has become the latest battleground between Google and Apple. The news that Apple's current and former employees from the end of this year, the iOS default map is no longer a Google map, but Apple's own R & D map application. Apple will preview next week's annual developer conference this new application, and built in the next version of iOS. Apple will encourage the development of Apple map embedded in your own application, which is somewhat similar to the embedded social network of developers and search services. Technology blog the 9to5Mac earlier has also reported that Apple will release the next-generation mobile operating system, launched its own map application.

According to Apple employees, the news that Apple hatching removed from the iPhone, the Google Maps program for several years. With smart phones equipped with Google's Android operating system market share beyond the iPhone
(iPhone cases), Apple's program has been accelerated.

Quietly acquisition
Apple has been quietly acquired a map of three cutting-edge technology companies and their technology into Apple's own technology. Last fall, Apple first developed a patented technology of a map service. In fact, Apple was almost equivalent to release the geocoder - convert the place names for latitude and longitude coordinates of the tool. Prior to this, Apple has been using Google's geocoding.

The market research firm Opus Research statistics show that with the size of the map or location of the mobile advertising market in 2012 to reach a size of about $ 2.5 billion in mobile ad spending by about 25%, higher than 10% in 2010. Found that the growing number of applications with geographic location, this data will also be expected to continue to rise.

However, Apple introduced the purpose of the map application and not just for advertising revenue. Apple's goal is with the map of the market, more in control of major assets in the smartphone war escalating. At present, more than 90% of U.S. iPhone
(iPhone cases) users to use Google Maps. Apple believe control of the user mapping experience, Google does not provide new features to help Apple sell more devices, and attract developers to the development of unique applications for iPhone users.

Google staff expressed the short term, Google may lose some ad revenue, as well as consumers search for local business-related data; the long run, this will damage Google to obtain the ability to map-related revenue. Google spokesman responded by saying that is still too early to comment on current events that have not yet occurred.

Direct confrontation
Apple's change in attitude on Google, far more than Google Maps. The war between the two companies will decide the future for many years how people use technology. U.S. private banking analyst Rajeev • Chad and Rajeev Chand, Rutberg said, "Apple is currently in a number of areas with Google to start the direct confrontation. These areas include the data, equipment, services and the future of computing. This is a today with the historic significance of a battle."

Over the years, Google and Apple has been a model of cooperation. Earlier, Google and Apple have in their respective fields within the development - Apple in the production of computers and other hardware devices; Google provides Web search and online advertising. Steve Jobs, Steve Jobs, Apple co-founder, the late former CEO and former CEO of Google Eric Schmidt (Eric Schmidt) has a close relationship, which in 2006 to 2009 also served as the Apple board of directors.

But the rise of the iPhone and other smart phones, changing the relationship between Apple and Google. Google with the Android operating system to the mobile device market forward, and to let Jobs feel under attack. Google then directly into the hardware market, the company announced last year spent $ 12.5 billion acquisition of Motorola mobile handset manufacturers. Google also recently launched the music, movies, e-books and mobile application store, and Apple's iTunes in direct competition. Android phone shipments has gone beyond the iPhone.

To fight back
Google's approach, Apple has to be resolute fight back, reached through the sale of mobile advertising, the advertising market dominated by Google. Last year, Apple introduced a new weapon against Google's search business - voice "virtual assistant" Siri is. By Siri is the iPhone users a new way of information search.

Google executives privately have said that Apple is trying to abandon the traditional web search for iPhone users on the phone. Digital mobile industry analysts believe that the vast majority of the Google mobile search revenue from iPhone (iPhone cases) users use the Google search traffic. Google is accelerating its own voice search assistant for the Android mobile device development. It is said that the fastest Google will be the end of this year launched its own voice voice assistant.

Understanding of Apple's strategy, sources said, the purpose of Apple's development of the whole technology, integrated maps and other Apple software. For example, if the Apple iCalendar calendar users will soon be crossing the city to an appointment, if traffic congestion, it will alert the user to the relevant traffic information.

Apple's iPhone has further deepened the relations of cooperation between the two companies. Halloween 2006 (referring to the night of October 31) - that is, Apple announced the launch of the iPhone a few months before Phil Schiller, Apple's product marketing vice president Phil Schiller, and Apple executives, worked with Google engineers held a meeting to decide on the iPhone how to use Google Maps data to help the user to view location and navigation information. In the time of the meeting, a participating Google employees even wear the revised Women.

The two soon reached a consensus: When iPhone users to open the Google Maps application, Apple will this phone's location information is sent to Google; Google then returns a map image and other data. In January 2007, the conference of the iPhone, Apple once Google Maps referred to as "groundbreaking service."

Relationship deterioration
Google released the Android operating system, the partnership between Apple and Google begin to deteriorate. In 2008, Steve Jobs has warned Larry Page (Larry Page) and Sergey Brin Sergey Brin, two Google co-founder. If Google continues to engage in the Android developers, Apple and Google to court, claiming that Android copied from the iPhone. Google still go its own way, Apple then sued Android device manufacturers. Apple and Android device manufacturers in the world of patent infringement litigation is still ongoing.

Map to increase the hatred between the two companies. Also in 2008, including Schiller, Apple executives, and when he was vice president of Google mobile applications Vic Gundotra and other Google executives, had to redraft the agreement of the iPhone Maps application held negotiations. The source said that Apple was aware of the Google map application data collection, leading to the relations between the two companies to further tension.

Google executives believe that Apple is no reason to adhere to control the appearance of the map application, and decided to Google Maps. The two companies in a bitter quarrel on the issue of the "Street View". Google Android phone map service has launched the Street View feature, but does not have this feature for the iPhone, the Google Maps service. The source said that Google had previously reluctant to provide this feature, which Apple executives feel very annoyed.

In addition, Apple executives also want Google to provide navigation services in the iPhone map service, because the function has become very popular in the Android users, many Android users regard their mobile phone as the car Global Positioning System equipment. But Google is reluctant to do so. The source said that Google think that Apple removed the terms are unfair.

At the same time, Google executives of Apple do not want Google Maps by adding other features that contribute to Google's very angry. For example, Google wants to emphasize its brand name more prominent in the map application. The company is also hoping that Apple can accept its geographical location Latitude, allows users to find nearby friends. But Apple is not willing to do so.

The source said that the relationship Schiller and Gangduotela in the negotiations become tense, Jeff Huber Jeff Huber, Google senior vice president of technical engineering to replace the Gangduotela continue to be responsible for Apple negotiations. Gang Duote opened became responsible for new projects within the Google.

Counterparts in 2009, Schmidt had said he was concerned the relationship between Google and Apple will be broken. It was in the same period, Jobs believes that the location services for Apple too important, will become partners of the company formidable competitors can not rely on the service in a. That is, since then, Steve Jobs began outside the company network personnel to create their own mapping technology.

The Placebase the same year, Apple acquired a Los Angeles-based small companies, this company was ready to develop a service similar to Google Maps. After the Placebase the team arrived at the Apple headquarters, the formation of Apple's new geographical team. At that time, the team office locations not far from Steve Jobs' office location.

In August 2009, Schmidt resigned from Apple's board of directors positions. Apple made the decision reached the mobile advertising industry, the relationship between the two companies begin to deteriorate further. At that time, the U.S. mobile advertising industry has yet to Google and several small-scale advertising companies dominate. In 2009, Steve Jobs had planned acquisition of mobile advertising AdMob. Google first in November of that year, to spend $ 750 million acquisition of this company.

In January 2010, Apple acquired a competitor of AdMob, Quattro Wireless. Google AdMob bid, the more determined to cut off relations with the idea of
​​Jobs and Google. Before an Apple employee said, shortly after the acquisition of Quattro Wireless, Jobs said in a company full of the General Assembly, the behavior of Google, "Do not be evil" motto is the lump of cow dung. Steve Jobs's comments, the outside world to understand the cooperation agreement between the Apple and Google violates.

Including Google CEO Larry Page, Google executives have repeatedly said publicly that Google began in 2005 to develop Android, earlier than the time the company learned that Apple plans to develop the iPhone.

According to sources, when Apple's 2010 acquisition of mapping technology company Poly9, has caused great concern for Google, because Google thinks that Apple is careful consideration to build their own map services. Headquartered in the Poly9 of Quebec, Canada, developed a Google Earth (Google Earth), Google services similar technology.

At the same time, Apple's location team to develop new features may have been ahead of Google. Apple has been conservative with the relevant secret, even within the company. The source said that when the thought of the team members asked the other members of the development of what the project, which in addition to shrug also did not say.

Since Apple released the geocoder every iPhone user to open the Google Maps application by Apple's technology to convert the user location information, rather than Google technology. In addition, software developers can also use Apple CLGeocoder, to develop the application to tell friends their location information, or search for nearby businesses.

With Tim Cook as Apple chief executive, he and Page is no longer possible in a public quarrel. However, the hostile relations of the two companies have been continuously warming. The source said, a member of the Google Maps team recently to Google colleagues said, because half of the users of the Google Maps service is Apple device users, they are worried that Apple will use its own mapping service to replace Google Maps.

Learned that Apple may launch a new mapping service next week, Google plans to hold a news conference on June 6, only one purpose: to show the next generation of Google Maps.

