
Apple apply to lock-up Samsung Galaxy S III in United States

Apple submit their applications to the California District Court on Tuesday evening, requested the court to release initial ban on the sale of Samsung's latest flagship phone Galaxy S III.

Apple (iPhone accessories) did not raise a new lawsuit for Galaxy S III, but hope the court will request to join in the lawsuit against Samsung Galaxy Nexus.

At earlier of this week, Apple submitted to the ITC lawsuit require the implementation of the import ban on HTC smartphone (HTC Accessories), the reason is that HTC has infringed 29 Apple patents. It is worth noting that the patent in a project called "
Click-Through Data" Apple sued HTC and prosecution are involved in two cases of Samsung.

Apple also mentioned the lawsuit alleges the ban Samsung Galaxy S III (Samsung Galaxy S III Accessories), the Samsung violation of the company a "universal search technology” patent, the patent relate to Siri voice assistant function in iPhone 4S.

Samsung said in a statement, "Samsung believes Apple apply lock-up request is no legal basis. And we want to ensure that the Samsung Galaxy S III successfully listed in the United States, the equipment sales in accordance with the original plan."

