
IDC: Companies use Windows XP have outdated and a waste of money

The market research firm IDC recently published studies reported that upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 7 in the next three years the rate of return on investment as high as 137%, so stick to Windows XP simply is a waste of money.

In depth study of nine large agencies, IDC said that each Windows XP computer required every year to spend $ 870 to install, and Windows 7 only cost $ 168 annually, the average cost of these institutions on every new computer for 712 dollars, so each computer upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 7 can save $ 1,685, and can effectively improve the efficiency of the office employees. "

IDC also noted that the data listed above include only visible when you buy a new computer investment spending, but include increased productivity and reduced operating costs, these invisible data are difficult to measure.

In nine of the surveyed organizations, 100% of the employees of four organizations use Windows 7 system, only two still using Windows XP. Overall, the nine agencies Windows 7 with an average utilization rate of 65%, the use of Windows XP was 29%. However, IDC said that Windows XP still occupies about 42% market share in the market as a whole.

The IDC survey sponsored by Microsoft, so this survey or Windows XP users to upgrade the system as soon as possible. Microsoft has plans to stop support for Windows XP SP3 on April 8, 2014, including security updates. Office 365 also will be January 1, 2014 to stop support for Windows XP. Major companies an average of 18 months to update the computer system, it is still using Windows XP system the company is apparently out of date.

In all fairness, stability and security of Windows XP can not match the 64-bit Windows 7, and more vulnerable to malicious software attacks result in system crashes, support costs are more expensive than Windows 7. After Microsoft launched Windows 8, Windows XP will lag behind the latest systems as much as four versions, its system maintenance costs will be higher.

In fact, Microsoft urged users to upgrade the system's action has already begun. Last year, Microsoft announced that it would not provide updates on the XP version of Live Mail and Messenger application IE9 browser does not support Windows XP, which makes use IE8 on a Windows XP system users often encounter stability problems. For example, IE8 will not support the web site or video using HTML5 technology.

According to current trends, market retention of Windows XP will reduce to 11 percent at the end of 2014. " IDC said.

Who will buy RIM BlackBerry? Nokia, Microsoft and Oracle are all possible.

RIM has hired JP Morgan and RBC Capital Markets to expand the strategic assessment of the company. But this is only its scenes, investors can not be fooled. RIM in fact want to help two investment banks to sell itself to the highest bidder acquirer, RIM BlackBerry can fetch a high price, that two investment banks will earn a service fee.

There are rumors that Facebook is interested in buying RIM before, although this news is very shocking, the credibility is not high.
RIM is not easy to sale. RIM released the latest financial report on Tuesday. The second quarter operating loss consecutive.

RIM CEO Torsten Hynes said in a statement: "the increasingly fierce market competition, our business has been greatly affected, product sales decline, the average market prices are declining, we expect the first-quarter results will reflect this situation, the first-quarter may appear operating loss."

Frankly, this is not too surprising, because the Apple iPhone is too strong. Of course, Wall Street analysts did not expect RIM to achieve good performance. According to Yahoo Finance statistics, analysts expect RIM's first-quarter revenue will decline by 25.6%, earnings per share declined 68.4 percent.

In this case, who is likely to come up with the money of at least $ 5.3 billion acquisition of RIM? I think there are three companies in alphabetical order:

1, Nokia. Because the crowding out of apples and a large number of Android (Samsung, HTC etc.) manufacturers, Nokia's day can be described as deteriorating. Smartphone superstar of the former is literally in the U.S. market is untenable, even if it's business in other markets were also affected. The acquisition of RIM help Nokia battles the U.S. market.

2, Microsoft. As a partner of the Nokia the Lumia Series smartphone, Microsoft intends to maintain its leading position in the office productivity software applications, in any case, RIM is still the leader in the field of e-mail service for businesses. In addition, if Microsoft's acquisition of RIM, it can get tens of millions to consider the user to switch to iPhone or Android enterprise networking equipment.

3, Oracle. Frankly speaking, the purpose of its acquisition of RIM is not obvious. However, Oracle has entered the server hardware market, enterprise software, including e-mail is an important driving force to promote the development of enterprise hardware business. Oracle CEO Larry Ellison (Larry Ellison) said that he has established a one-stop shop for enterprise computing, the acquisition of RIM will help Oracle provide a full range of enterprise computing solutions.

Regardless of which company is the ultimate acquisition of RIM, it needs for a long time to profit from mobile computing.

Microsoft released Government Edition Office365 or will launch a free version for college students

Microsoft recently announced the official launch of the government agencies for the United States Office 365 Government official Office blog.

In fact, as early as March of this year there was news that Microsoft will launch a customized version of Office 365. The launch of the Office for the United States government agencies 365 will be a new multi-user service, the user can in an isolated community in the cloud storage the U.S. government data. As with other Office 365 services, the government version of the same, including the application of Exchange Online, Lync Online, SharePoint, Online, and Office Professional Plus and other branches, and the same support on the local PC.

In addition, Microsoft also plans to add IPv6 support for Office 365 Government in September 2012 and will take measures to support the relevant policies of the Criminal Justice Information Security, Criminal Justice. It is reported that the current version of Office 365 Government has passed a series of international certification standards in the ISO 27001 information security management system standard certification and EU Safe Harbor.

Microsoft indicate the company is well aware of the problems of government employees and agencies are worried about the safety and privacy when using online services, officially out of this consideration, the Office 365 is supported and to comply with many privacy standards, and in the near future, Microsoft plans to support more privacy standards.

Version of Office 365 Enterprise Edition, and the government provide the same level of functionality services, both by the The Federal Information Security Management Act and is equipped with a high standard of information security. The two different is Office 365 Government customized for different government departments, more personalized service and features. If you are interested in Office 365 version, you can always get in touch with Microsoft's local representative and obtain more information on "a Microsoft spokesperson the case said.

It is worth mentioning is that Microsoft announce Office 365 price will be reduced by 20% in March of this year, and plans to provide a free version of Office 365 to of educational institutions employees and college students in the later of this summer.


Windows Phone have a good performance in Finland Accounted for 8% of mobile Internet traffic

Internet traffic monitoring organization StatCounter's latest statistics show that Nokia Windows Phone (hereinafter referred to as "WP Mobile") has been quite prominent in Nokia's native Finland, has accounted for nearly 8% of the mobile Internet traffic.

Finland has become the biggest WP phone market. In sharp contrast with this, the operating system, Microsoft WP share of only 0.53% share of the global mobile network traffic. From a global perspective, the current situation of the WP phone is not so optimistic. In addition to Finland ranked one, Iceland ranked second, but WP operating system accounted for only 2.3 percent of the country's mobile Internet traffic. Obviously, this is a pretty big gap.

Calculated in accordance with the operating system share the user's mobile Internet traffic, the top ten markets in the WP phone are: Finland, Iceland, Martinique, Austria, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Denmark and Spain.

These data can not be compared with the WP phone sales share, but it’s enough to suggest this phone sales in the world. Market research firm IDC had also pointed out that the WP cell phones and Windows Mobile phones in the first quarter of this year's market share of 2.2%.


Google Chrome first time surpass IE become the world's largest browser

According to the survey of Irish analytics company StatCounter, Google Chrome browser success beyond Microsoft's IE last week, become the world's largest browser. Firefox, Apple Safari, Opera taking up the three, four, five.

In fact, the survey of Internet browser share data is a very stringent cohabitation data, from the the StatCounter past year, we found that Chrome victory step by step to obtain the Chrome browser market share
sacrifice on the basis of the IE and Firefox. The data shows that the Chrome browser take up global share of about 33% in May this year, beyond IE share 32% take up top list. Firefox share slow decline, the global share of about 25%, Apple Safari and Opera browser share less than 10%.

Google introduced Chrome Since 2008, the browser market share has been a big step forward. Chrome rich plug-ins and a variety of services to make it the same benefits such as Chrome theme of social networking tools by 36 minutes language for the global release this kind of action is clearly helps to attract more loyal users.

Of course, Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser, naturally, will not stand still. StatCounter data shows that the introduction of the Internet Explorer 9 to help Microsoft attract some of the new user and the user rate of IE in the past few weeks climbing. IE's market share in the Chinese market decline in more than 15%, but its still take up 72% share be ahead of their competitors.


Rumors that Apple has ordered larger screens and will put on production next month

According to media reports, informed sources, Apple has ordered to Asian suppliers for the new generation of iPhone, a larger screen size, this display is larger than the existing iPhone screen. Expected that Apple will released a new iPhone later this year.

Sources pointed out that Apple ordered display will begin production next month, Apple's latest iPhone 4S 3.5 inch screen, this display diagonal length of at least 4 inches.

Face of fierce competition from Samsung, Apple is trying to make iPhone become more attractive product. Samsung replace Nokia become the world's largest mobile phone manufacturer at this year's first quarter, recently launched a new flagship smartphone for 4.8 inch display screen. It is also one of largest screen smartphones in the market.

So far, Apple has never changed the size of the iPhone display, since its listing in 2007, the iPhone display has maintained a 3.5 inch size. Industry analysts expect Apple will release the next generation of the iPhone this fall. And they are currently working with a number of display manufacturers LG, Sharp, and Japanese display company cooperation.

Similarly, Apple iPad Tablet PC has remained the same size, while other vendors have introduced a series of different size tablet computer products. The Wall Street Journal has reported that in February this year, Apple is testing smaller than the existing 9.7 inches iPad iPad Tablet PC.

Apple spokesmen declined to comment.

Apple with the iPhone successfuly define the smart phone, but the smart phone market rapid development recent years and today's smart phone market is flooded with different brands, different sizes and different price smartphone.

As the world's most valuable companies, Apple is facing strong competition from Samsung. Samsung mobile phone is more abundant species.
These two vendors share of smart phones together account for more than half of the global smartphone market share. The market research firm Strategy Analytics data shows that Samsung smartphone sales in the first quarter of this year to 44.5 million, accounted for 30.6 percent of the global smartphone market share more than Apple, Apple iPhone sales in the first quarter to 35.1 million accounted for 24.1 percent share in the global smart phone market.

Industry analysts expect Samsung smartphone sales will double this year, next-generation iPhone will also promote the sales of the Apple smartphone.

Samsung said the new flagship mobile phone Galaxy S III will land the European market this month, and land U.S. market this summer, Galaxy S III with a 4.8-inch display, larger than the existing Galaxy S II 4.3-inch display. The other major smart phone manufacturer HTC of Taiwan also has a screen size of more than 4 inches smart phone models.

Mizuho Investors Securities analyst said Apple's next-generation iPhone on a bigger screen does not necessarily follow the trend of competitors' practices. The analyst said, Although the smart phone market has shown a trend of diversification, iPhone is still the market leader in the industry. A whole are concerned about the movements of the Apple, the iPhone advantages exist in the overall experience of the user interface and applications, screen size is not the decisive characteristics. Apple introduced a low-cost iPhone, then this would suggest that the changing market environment has begun to affect apple.

iPhone is still Apple's huge growth engine, the best-selling smartphone in the Asian market is a key factor behind Apple this year, the first quarter of bright earnings. The first quarter of this year, Apple's profit almost doubled iPhone sales increased by 88%.

In addition to the intense competition in the smartphone market, Samsung and Apple confront at court. Apple allegations that Samsung violated its smartphone design and patent last year. Samsung filed a counterclaim on it.
At the same time, Apple and Samsung is also a relationship of interdependence. Apple is the largest customer of Samsung parts department. This department produce key components of smart phones and tablet PC chip and display screen.

Apple does not manufacture their own products, it’s the same with other major consumer electronics brands. Apple uses the product of the main components from Asian suppliers and emploies professional manufacturers for assembly of products, many manufacturers from Taiwan and in mainland China carry out a wide range of business.


There is news that Yahoo would sell 15% -25% stocks to Alibaba

There is informed sources that Yahoo and Alibaba reach to an agreement may be a few weeks. Yahoo will sell 15 percent to 25 percent stocks to Alibaba. Previous negotiations failed to reach a consensus due to overly complex and this negotiations will remove these obstacles.

The negotiating has been last a month.

Yahoo invested and held 40% stocks in Alibaba in 2005. They held several negotiations on share repurchases, Alibaba hopes to buy back some or all of Yahoo shares held.

The negotiations in February involving $ 17 billion tax-free assets, but failed to reach agreement.

This negotiations do not involve a tax-free assets, and more direct.

Last Thursday, Yahoo's CEO, Scott Thompson broke the academic fraud controversy.
Yahoo investors Third Point has asked Thompson resigned on Monday.


Facebook Zuckerberg Assets Exceed Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer

Facebook IPO raising $ 11.8 billion funding will also let a company as young as 27-year-old co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg become the world's richest. Once listed, Zuckerberg's net worth will exceed Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer immediately.

Facebook submitted the latest documents to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission revealed that the company will public 28-35 U.S. dollars on Thursday and issued at a price of about 337.4 million shares. According to Bloomberg Billionaires Index, if the IPO issue price cap ($ 35) calculation, Zuckerberg held Facebook stock by market value will reach $ 17.6 billion, a result, Zuckerberg will be richer than Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and Russian steel magnate Vladimir Lisin. Bloomberg Billionaires Index shows Ballmer worth $ 15.4 billion.

Zuckerberg, 19 years old, with Harvard University classmates in the dorm co-found of Facebook, and build Facebook to the world's most popular social networking sites. At the end of the first quarter of Facebook's users worldwide has exceeded 900 million. General manager of the data provider Discern Analytics Paul Saffo said Zuckerberg has necessary to prove that he has the leadership, led the company to continue to grow to match Facebook's worth.

Saffo said there are many technology rich work fanatical in Silicon Valley. He said, Zuckerberg currently facing challenges – if he can growth rapid with the company? And if he can growth over the company? Because it was necessary to do as a leader.

Beyond MySpace

Zuckerberg as quickly introduce new products become famous. Under his leadership, Facebook is growing not only beyond MySpace, the world's most popular social network, but also withstand a challenge from Google, Twitter and other social networking sites. By attracting third-party developers to develop applications for the Facebook platform, the number of Facebook users has improved dramatically.

Altimeter Group analyst Jeremiah Owyang said this, "Facebook still acting in agile, like a small-scale innovation companies. Facebook's corporate culture and encourage them to even in the case of a leading, still need to

Facebook's IPO, the highest valuation of the company reached $ 96 billion. Facebook submitted documents show that the company will issue 180 million new shares in the IPO, company executives and investors will sell 157.4 million shares of company stock.

The documents show that Facebook's Zuckerberg sell 3020 shares of company stock in the IPO. Zuckerberg selling of most stocks in its implementation of the stock options granted to the net income taxes paid. In addition, the venture capital firm Accel Partners, the Russian Internet investment company DST and investment bank Goldman Sachs will sell holdings of company stock. In addition, the venture capital firm Elevation Partners, the Russian internet company Mail.ru Group, Microsoft, the professional networking site LinkedIn, and Facebook Board Chairman Reid Hoffman will also sell some holdings.

More than half of the controlling stake

In Facebook’s submission, Zuckerberg will hold about 57% of the voting rights of the company after the IPO completed. In the period of IPO, Zuckerberg has been very patient. Facebook was founded in 2004 at the end of the year the number of users reached 100 million, but Facebook is only open to U.S. college students, Until 2006, Facebook was open to all groups. At the end of 2006, Facebook users reached 12 million.

At the same time of preparation for the IPO, Facebook is still very active in other areas. After been prosecuted by Yahoo due to the patent infringement was in March of this year, Facebook is currently being considered to buy part of the patent from the hands of other companies. Facebook currently planning to spend $ 550 million to buy part of AOL's patent from Microsoft.


The inventor of liquid metal refute iPhone 5 will use liquid metal, technology still need to improve

Recently, there have rumors that Apple iPhone 5 will use liquid metal, Atakan Peker, inventor of this technology have given it a denial. Peker believes that Apple will use the technology in a "breakthrough" product in future.

Liquid metal recently become a hot topic, mainly because there are rumors that Apple will use this material in next generation iPhone. Liquid metal developed by Liquidmetal Technologies, made
​​from rare metals such as zirconium, titanium, nickel and copper mixed. Liquid metal has antiseptic, resistant to scratches and damage resistance properties, has been exclusively licensed to Apple.

Peker said in an interview, the liquid metal is a new, completely different metal technology, and so far no suitable manufacturing technology and equipment to fully demonstrate its superiority.

Peker said: "I
​​expect that before large-scale use, Apple may need to invest $ 300 million to $ 500 million, take three to five years to improve the technology."

Peker said liquid metal shows silver gray in appearance, a bit like today's stainless steel and general metal difference. So far, he only found the Apple SIM slot use of this technology.
There are also rumors that Apple MacBook will use liquid metal. Peker said: "Due to the size and scale of the MacBook, I think that shell will not to use the technology in the short term, it will also need 2 years to 4 years of preparation, but there may be some smaller parts on use."

Peker finally said Apple will use liquid metal in "breakthrough" products in future. Such a product will bring innovative user’s interface and industrial design, it is difficult to imitate the use of other metal.