
Firefox 3.6 officially support closed It will upgrade to Firefox 12 in May

Earlier this week, Mozilla shut down Firefox 3.6 officially support. Now, Mozilla is going to forced to let the rest of the Firefox 3.6 users upgrade to the latest version of Firefox 12. According to the latest news, Mozilla Firefox 3.6 in early May will automatically be upgraded to Firefox 12.

Mozilla had warned Firefox 3.6 users, claiming that there will be an automatic upgrade at a time. Firefox release manager Alex Keybl in an e-mail said: "Unless the user specifically close the upgrade feature, otherwise all users will automatically be upgraded. But we strongly recommend that users upgrade to Firefox 3.6, because they'll no longer get critical security upgrades."

Do not want to upgrade to Firefox 12 users can click your browser's "Options" menu under "Options", go to "upgrade" column, select "never check for upgrade".

Firefox 3.6 was first released in January 2010. In the past two years, Mozilla released many of the security upgrade for Firefox 3.6, the last security upgraded for Firefox 3.6 released on January 31.

