
Apple MacBook Air apply for patent It may make ultrabook take off shelves

Apple MacBook Air apply for the wedge-shaped design patent on Thursday and got approval from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Apple's patent applications involving wedge-shaped design of portable computing devices, and connected through the hinge and the bottom of the roof. Apple said that this design the overall feel of the product, portability and durability have help. High-speed memory card and other interface designed specifically for the shape.

Apple often apply product design patent applications, even includes the design of retail stores. Apple does not often use patent attacks against competitors, but in the mobile market has launched a patent war against rival Samsung Electronics Tablet PC Galaxy Tab violated iPad patented design.
Insiders pointed out that Apple's possible with this latest patent fight against just rise Ultrabook notebook computer. Apple still apply for another 9 MacBook Air patent. If it get these patents successfuly, Apple can take to force Ultrabook take off shelves.

Very interesting that Apple submitted a patent of one to adjust the brightness of the OLED screen. Currently, the Apple iPhone, iPad, and MacBook have a backlit LCD screen, rather than the OLED screen. The OLED screen is not backlit, so the brightness is more difficult to adjust, but Apple can use unique technical adjustments such brightness of the screen. Many people expect Apple will soon launch the new MacBook Pro, but the product will not use OLED screen. But as Apple has previously applied for patents related to technology OLED screen, Mac or iOS devices will use OLED screen.

