
Nokia First Met iPhone: high cost and doesn’t anti-throw wouldn’t become a threat

Over the years, Nokia has not been able to launch of a product of a truly compete with Apple iPhone and Nokia thought iPhone would fail have part of the relationship.

Apple launched the first iPhone
(iPhone 4s cases), Nokia engineers extensively studied on this product, and concluded that the product did not pose a threat to Nokia, because it’s high cost, and even did not pass the most basic drop test.

According to informed sources, the Nokia engineers stressed that the above findings, the high the cost of the iPhone, and can only be run on a second-generation networks, and certainly not compared with the 3G technology Nokia begun to use.

Nokia's engineers in a research report pointed out that the iPhone
(iPhone 4 cases) failed the most basic drop test. The so-called drop test, let the phone drop from 5 feet high, and dropped to the concrete floor in a variety of angles.

However, Apple CEO Tim Cook show the world how to reduce the manufacturing cost of the iPhone (iPhone accessories). The second year after the launch of the first iPhone, the product supports 3G network. In recent years, the fact that people prefer to buy a beautiful appearance but less by the fall of iPhone is not willing to buy Nokia phones strong through the fall but it looks stupid.

Until 2008, when Nokia's executives realized that the iPhone has become a very popular product and a strong competitor, and they must respond. But due to the company's organizational problems, including the Nokia internal R & D team must be mutually compete and participate in company decision-making too many, to develop new products compete with the iPhone things have been delayed.

