
Apple employees expose iPhone 5 will debut on September 21

Apple retail employees claimed that they have notified their acceptance of the training of the new iPhone, Apple will release a new iPhone on September 21. Coincidentally, not long ago Apple French retail store executives also revealed that same message.

There is no doubt that Apple's security measures, so full of anticipation for the upcoming release of iPhone. Today, the American media once again sent out the debut of the new generation of iPhone (iPhone 4s cases).

Apple retail employees claimed that they have got notice that Apple will start the system to accept the training of the new iPhone at the end of August, and Apple will be released before September, the aircraft officially added to the September 21th.

Similarly, the recent French media also reported the news, the French retail stores, Apple's senior management have also revealed that Apple will release in September of next-generation iPhone (iPhone 4s case), its time to market is scheduled for September 21.

A few days ago, Cook has said it will be released this fall iOS 6, which also seems to imply with unveiled the new iPhone (iPhone 4s cases), according to speculate that the words of this time period, Apple has already begun iPhone related production, and in fact seems to have officially (Foxconn insiders claimed that Zhengzhou has begun small-scale trial production of the new iPhone.)

Leaked the news according to the present point of view, the new iPhone will be equipped with a larger touch screen, at least 4 inches, while providing nano-SIM card and 19-pin Dock Interface, and also built-in 1GB RAM and large capacity battery, and may equipped A6 quad-core processors.

