
Samsung's second-quarter profit is less than the expected but stock price still rise over 5%

[REVIEW] Samsung's second quarter results below expectations, but phone supremacy established and emerging markets on the strong demand for digital products is expected, the market is still optimistic about the performance of the Samsung market outlook.

Samsung today announced second quarter net profit below market expectations, but expected to usher in a higher demand on the market the company's flat panel and mobile phone in the third quarter, Samsung (Samsung Galaxy SIII Back Covers) will continue to maintain the dominance of live global mobile phone manufacturers. Boosted by the above message, the highest increase of Samsung shares after the earnings release was more than 5%.

Samsung today said that emerging markets may stimulate demand for the company's digital home appliances, while under the European economic downturn adversely affected, the TV needs of the markets of developed countries could decline further.

At present, the global smart phone market with annual sales expected to reach $ 219 billion. Investment institutions KTB Asset Management fund manager Lee Jin Woo said: "For Samsung, the third quarter is crucial. The Galaxy S III (Samsung Galaxy SIII Cases) mobile phone sales and chip business is able to usher in turn is the most important."

Samsung mobile phone business, Vice-President Kim Hyun Joon in the earnings conference call after the meeting, said that sales of the new Galaxy S III (Samsung Galaxy SIII Case) is very "robust" and the phone is expected to be achieved "great success", which will help on enhancing the performance of the third quarter.

Kim Hyun Joon said: "We want to see third quarter performance remains robust and we will make every effort to take full advantage of market opportunities."

As of Seoul on Friday afternoon at 2:30, Samsung shares yesterday closing price rose 5.2% to $ 1,233,000 won. The stock has risen during the year 16 percent over the same period Apple's stock price has risen 42 percent, Sony shares are down 32%.

Apple employees expose iPhone 5 will debut on September 21

Apple retail employees claimed that they have notified their acceptance of the training of the new iPhone, Apple will release a new iPhone on September 21. Coincidentally, not long ago Apple French retail store executives also revealed that same message.

There is no doubt that Apple's security measures, so full of anticipation for the upcoming release of iPhone. Today, the American media once again sent out the debut of the new generation of iPhone (iPhone 4s cases).

Apple retail employees claimed that they have got notice that Apple will start the system to accept the training of the new iPhone at the end of August, and Apple will be released before September, the aircraft officially added to the September 21th.

Similarly, the recent French media also reported the news, the French retail stores, Apple's senior management have also revealed that Apple will release in September of next-generation iPhone (iPhone 4s case), its time to market is scheduled for September 21.

A few days ago, Cook has said it will be released this fall iOS 6, which also seems to imply with unveiled the new iPhone (iPhone 4s cases), according to speculate that the words of this time period, Apple has already begun iPhone related production, and in fact seems to have officially (Foxconn insiders claimed that Zhengzhou has begun small-scale trial production of the new iPhone.)

Leaked the news according to the present point of view, the new iPhone will be equipped with a larger touch screen, at least 4 inches, while providing nano-SIM card and 19-pin Dock Interface, and also built-in 1GB RAM and large capacity battery, and may equipped A6 quad-core processors.


Summary: the next generation iPhone rumors

iPhone 4S launched less than a year's time, but all kinds of rumors about the next generation iPhone overwhelming, so that people can not distinguish between true and false, also tempt the appetite of the Apple fans on the next generation iPhone. Now, DPGate want to summarize all the rumors about the next generation iPhone.

1, the name
When we originally expected the new iPad
(the new iPad cases) will be named "iPad 3”, then Apple gave us a surprise, simply known as "The new iPad ". In this situation, the current market is widely expected next-generation iPhone will be called "The new iPhone", instead of the "iPhone 5" or other similar names.

But others say, according to the naming rules of the Apple phone, the next generations of iPhone products are named with a number, the name of the next generation of the iPhone perhaps is more familiar with the iPhone 5
(iPhone 4s cases) rather than to the new iPhone based on the iPad mode.

2, release date
This is probably the most concerned about most of the Apple fans. First of all, can be sure that Apple has denied the next generation iPhone (iPhone 4 cases) will be released on August 7 rumors. The current concentration of argument is that the next generation of iPhone will be available in mid-October, but the time with the next-generation iPhone will be exposed today in French media App4phone.fr, the news officially on sale on September 21, the release of the next generation iPhone become complicated and confusing.

3, the touch screen changes
The screen of iPhone is Apple's core technology. There are rumors that the next generation iPhone will be about 4.0 inches touch screen, and will also use a in-cell touch screen, it can make the screen become thinner. This in-cell touch panel features is the touch sensor integrated in the LCD panel, no single touch layer.

4, the body design
Since Apple bought patented technology from Liquidmetal Technologies Inc in 2010, the rumors about Apple new generation of iPhone may use more outstanding performance liquid metallic materials has never stopped. Liquidmetal former executives said, the liquid metal is a new metal alloy, but also the lack of large-scale production conditions and technology, so Apple can not use this excellent alloy in the short term.

On the design of body size, experts say, the next generation iPhone is likely similar to the iPhone 4 in size, but its design is thinner, and has a full metal body.

5, processor equipped
The quad-core competition in the mobile phone has been in full swing, Apple is naturally not willing to lag behind other competitors in this field. From the Far East industry sources said, the next generation iPhone will be equipped with a the Samsung Exynos4 architecture quad-core ARM processor. Apple quad-core ARM processor for the development of next generation iPhone, according to the naming of the apple before the processor, the all-new processor will be called the A6 processor.

6, the interface
There were a few pictures exposed about the chassis of the iPhone next generation in May, the photo displayed the headphone jack at the bottom of the device, which means that the next generation iPhone will be to provide a new set of gestures. Today, another media exposed, the next generation iPhone will adopt a new, smaller 19-pin connector, while the purpose of doing so, they want to move the headphone jack to the bottom of the device, together with the 19 pin connector
. Apple using this similar design in iPod touch.


Samsung expected to begin producing flexible AMOLED display screen this quarter

A named DDaily Korean IT news site say Samsung will begin producing "flexible" AMOLED display in the quarter. This screen is named as "Youm", it is very thin, only 0.6 mm. In contrast, the LCD screen thickness is 1.8 mm. Samsung (Samsung Cases) has been previously made outside display collapsible and can ring up the display, but DDaily products of the past still is "inelastic" glass.

However, at least initially, Samsung will produce a very thin panel, only about 1 mm thick, a protective glass cover on it, rather than flexible plastic panel. Samsung
(Samsung Back Covers) initially planned to launch is equipped with the Youm display device at the end of this year, now it seems it will soon become a reality. It is reported that in 2014, Samsung will mass production of flexible displays.

Nokia First Met iPhone: high cost and doesn’t anti-throw wouldn’t become a threat

Over the years, Nokia has not been able to launch of a product of a truly compete with Apple iPhone and Nokia thought iPhone would fail have part of the relationship.

Apple launched the first iPhone
(iPhone 4s cases), Nokia engineers extensively studied on this product, and concluded that the product did not pose a threat to Nokia, because it’s high cost, and even did not pass the most basic drop test.

According to informed sources, the Nokia engineers stressed that the above findings, the high the cost of the iPhone, and can only be run on a second-generation networks, and certainly not compared with the 3G technology Nokia begun to use.

Nokia's engineers in a research report pointed out that the iPhone
(iPhone 4 cases) failed the most basic drop test. The so-called drop test, let the phone drop from 5 feet high, and dropped to the concrete floor in a variety of angles.

However, Apple CEO Tim Cook show the world how to reduce the manufacturing cost of the iPhone (iPhone accessories). The second year after the launch of the first iPhone, the product supports 3G network. In recent years, the fact that people prefer to buy a beautiful appearance but less by the fall of iPhone is not willing to buy Nokia phones strong through the fall but it looks stupid.

Until 2008, when Nokia's executives realized that the iPhone has become a very popular product and a strong competitor, and they must respond. But due to the company's organizational problems, including the Nokia internal R & D team must be mutually compete and participate in company decision-making too many, to develop new products compete with the iPhone things have been delayed.


Windows 1.0 possessed Windows Logo retro style

In February of this year, Microsoft announced that Windows 8 new Logo. For the new Logo Microsoft explains a lot, but in the eyes of many people, Microsoft is back to nature. Could it be, Microsoft would also like to return to the past?

Designer Andrew Kim pointed out that the Windows Logo changes in the review over the years, you will find the Windows Logo and Windows 1.0 Logo in 1985 is very close to not only the shape, but also bore a striking resemblance. (iPhone 4s cases)


U.S. judge approved the Apple lock-up Samsung Nexus phone application

U.S. District Court judge Lucy Koh approved Apple's proposed ban mobile phone Samsung Galaxy Nexus (Samsung Cases) application before the trial in the U.S. market on Friday. This indicates that within a week, Apple's second round victory in a legal battle with Samsung.

Apple and Samsung in several countries play the patent battle, mutually accused each other of violations of the patent, to compete for the fast-growing mobile market dominance. Since 2010, Apple
(iPhone 4s cases) began to set off a patent war on a global scale, to suppress the growth of Android. The competitors said the apple is too active in the use of patents to suppress competition.

A few days ago, Lucy Koh also approved Apple's proposed ban Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 (Samsung Cases) Tablet PC applications.

Apple spokeswoman Kristin Huguet, Hugh Gheit same old bomb allegations Samsung copied the look and feel of the company's products. Samsung is not available for comment.

As a condition of the embargo in force, Apple needs to pay more than $ 95 million bond, once after the embargo proved to be wrong, the margin will be used to compensate the Samsung inflicted economic losses.